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In esoteric symbolism, the number two represents duality. The deeper meaning of this is a reflection of the Self because two is derived from one plus one. 

At the deepest level of esoteric meaning, the two represents the conscious mind and the subconscious mind; the light and dark side of your character – that which is known and that which is unknown.

Ancient cultures were aware of this duality in people. Indeed they knew duality existed in everything from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the vastness of the Cosmos. 

The same is true for mankind, reflected by the idea of the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (the universe). Jung alluded to this from a psychological perspective by differentiating the unconscious between the personal mind (the subconscious) and the Collective Unconscious (the Universal Mind or Akasa etc.)

You will find Jung’s inspiration for his theory of the Unconscious in ancient myth, even the earliest writings.

For example, in Zoroastrian traditions which date back to the 6th-Century BCE, we find that Ormuzd and Ahriman are both emanations from one being. Ahriman and Ormuzd, share a co-eternal existence and both are emanations from one source. Ormuzd represents nature that is good, and Ahriman is the opposite aspect of evil. These are the two expressions of one and the self-same essence.

Nothing can exist without a reflection or alternative outcome. In terms of the polarity in humans, it is up to you as an individual to control your dual natures and do only that which is right in the right moment.

That’s not to say, you should always do good as the Church wants us to believe. The “Seven Deadly Sins” are not wrongdoings, they are aspects of human nature which bring satisfaction, happiness and growth. 

What is important to remember is balance. There has to be a balance between vices and virtues.

Balance is simply a Truth of Nature; a natural law that determines whether a system maintains equilibrium. Systems that suffer an imbalance become unhealthy.

The principal symbol of every organised religion in the world represents balance. Just saying.

Yin yang esoteric symbolism

Natural law further dictates there are three stages to manifestation; creation, dissolution and transformation. 

For mankind, our reality is created through thoughts, emotions and actions. The number two is the union of thoughts and emotion which prompt action – number three

If you want something enough, act upon your desires to make them manifest.

Whereas the one is putting thoughts into action, number two is a signal to start planning. This often starts by looking within and asking your higher self, what to do next.

The two represents male and female energies that bring about balance and can sometimes call for us to make a choice as we see in the card of the Lovers in the Tarot – a card with astrological meanings relating to the house of Gemini. 

The number Two also symbolises the need for kindness, tact and nurturing. It may appear to you when exchanging deals in partnerships whereby communication is key. The symbol may be telling you to exert your natural flow of judgment to do what is best for your soul.

As Above, So Below

The Universe is a mass of energy – and so are you. It stands to reason therefore that you can tap into that energy. Ancient cultures all over the world have known this for thousands of years and today science is exploring the idea to find physical evidence to explain how it works. 

The ancient mystery schools say we are one with the Universe and can access whatever information we need by learning how to connect with the Higher Self – an aspect of the unconsciousness that is not yet known to the conscious mind. 

It is written in the Kybalion that:

“He who grasps the truth of the mental nature of the Universe is well advanced on the path of mastery.” ~ The Kybalion 

The idea is described, as above, so below in Hermetic writings, which among other things, means the energy you project will return as a manifestation in the material world. Therefore, we must pay attention to our thoughts, emotions because the actions we perform transform energies that manifest in your life. 

If the number two keeps showing itself to you, consider pursuing your ideas further, start planning and put your ideas into action. You should also take note of your thoughts and emotions. At other times, the two may be a reminder for you to be thoughtful and sensitive towards others. 

Do you want to understand the secret language of numbers? Team up with Master Mind Content for a full, in-depth Number Symbolism Course and learn how numbers can help you make decisions with confidence and improve your quality of life.


The symbolic meaning of 22 has both positive and negative meanings. When things are going well for you, 22 is a number you want to see recurring in your life.

The number 22 is a master number and essentially expresses creation. If you are not already seeing the number 22, or a sequence of these numbers such as 2.22, or £22.22, it is something you should strive for. You will not notice the double two until you have passed through the one-one stage though.

In esoteric symbolism, the number twenty-two is represented by a cube or square which in turn represent the earth, the physical plane. A cross when folded creates a cube.

The cube also represents the foundations that have been built during earlier stages. And so the symbolic meaning of the 22 is connected with manifestation at the end of a cycle. 

esoteric 22 symbolism

Because it carries a double number, 22 is twice as strong as two and reinforces the master number 11. There is the implication of balance – all that is manifest has been created in reality by your thoughts, emotions and actions. Call it your karma, if you like.

On a positive scale, the vision is complete and success has been achieved, you can safely pass to the next level of ambition or continue as you are. The master numbers are also affirmations you are on the right or wrong track and all is going according to the grand plan of the master architect. 

People who see the 22 more often are those that are aware of their spiritual nature. Seeing the twos is an indication that your psychic powers are getting stronger, you have increased sensitivity to energy and a closer connection with people. 

It is also likely that you have developed your personality and intelligence to a point where you are bristling with charisma and confidence and have no fear. 

The symbolic meaning of 22 then can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. But it has double standards. As much as numbers can represent positive outcomes, they can also be equally negative. 

Initiates that abide by natural laws are rewarded with great success, but those that do not honour their true nature suffer a downfall. 

Do you want to understand the secret language of numbers? Team up with Master Mind Content for a full, in-depth Number Symbolism Course and learn how numbers can help you make decisions with confidence and improve your quality of life.

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