In gematria, the one and the eight are added together to make nine which indicates you are nearing the end of a life cycle that manifested with the 17. The symbolic meaning of 18 indicates you need to prepare for the next phase of your journey.
In numerology, it is said that people born on the 18th suffer hardships growing up. This is not always the case, but given 18 is the combination of 6+6+6, it is easy to determine why the number 18 is associated with the base consciousness of the beast.
However, Norse mythology also indicates the number 18 has positive attributes if the initiate can master characteristics that open you to the laws of nature which manifest in creation.
So like the nine, if you see a repetition of 18 in your life, it is at this stage you should reflect on your thoughts, emotions and actions in the past to determine where you went wrong – or right, of course.
We see this idea depicted more clearly in the 18th card of the tarot – The Moon. The card represents a stage of emotional growth, when positive, or remaining in the lower levels of emotional understanding, if negative.
In the card, a crab is pictured emerging from the waters (of creation) with a long winding path leading into the distance. The crab is significant because it has pincers to protect itself from hostile elements and the path into the unknown suggests it has many twists and turns.
The initiate, therefore, knows that there is potentially something better in the road ahead, but does not know quite what the future holds. Like all journeys in life, you will confront obstacles, perils and triumphs. You should let go of expectation and let your heart lead the way. Be patient and have faith that you are channelling your energies in the right way.