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When you see synchronicity in numbers and symbols over a short space of time (say like 2 days to a week), you should stop and take notice.

The repetition of the number one is obviously a very common occurrence. I see people on social media asking what the symbolic meaning of 11, 111 and 1111 means all the time. 

Whilst there are plenty of sources on the internet, I feel the majority if not all of them only provide a narrow insight into the real meaning of numbers. 

My interpretation of numbers has been decoded from intensive research of world mythologies, psychology, neuroscience, biology, quantum physics, energy healing, ancient wisdom (i.e yogic philosophy) and medieval alchemy. 

It is my firm belief that these numerous sources provide us with profound insights into energy works. Moreover, modern science breathes new life into the meaning of ancient legends and the images of mythology help us to understand and remember science. 

In other words, science and religion are a perfect cocktail. 

The Meaning of the Number One in Ancient Alchemy

Ancient alchemy associates the number one with the primordial force of creation. They call it the “Great Cause,” “the First Cause” or “Mercurius”. The latter is taken from the Greek God Mercury which corresponds with Hermes, the earlier Greek version of the same god. 

Symbolic number one

In Greek mythology, Hermes is known as ‘the messenger of the gods’ and has a strong connection with healing. 

If you are unfamiliar with Hermes, he is the boyish-looking fella on the right. The instrument he is holding is the ‘Wand of Hermes,’ better known as the caduceus – serpents wrapped around a staff…

….or a serpent around a tree (in the Garden of Eden), the serpent transformed from Aaron’s staff; kundalini energy passing through the central nervous system in the spine. There are other examples too.

It’s quite remarkable, therefore, to learn how many logos representing companies from the medical industry all over the world use the image of a serpent wrapped around a pole. 

The image below gives you just a few examples of medical logos. And when I say a few examples, I really mean a few. Literally, every medical centre, institution, pharmacy, hospital, clinic and medical school use the same image. 

So why is Hermes, and thus the one connected with healing?

The alchemists say the Great Cause is called Divine Will or Supreme Intelligence. It is pure wisdom that originates from the “Akashic Library”. 

Jung called the Akashic Library the Collective Unconscious. Essentially, universal thoughts that are common to mankind are revealed to us through ‘archetypes’. 

Hermes, together with all the other gods of religions and world mythologies, are archetypes that can help teach you about your True Nature.

“This deeper layer I call the collective unconscious. I have chosen the term “collective” because this part of the unconscious is not individual but universal; in contrast to the personal psyche, it has contents and modes of behaviour that are more or less the same everywhere and in all individuals. It is, in other words, identical in all men and thus constitutes a common psychic substrate of a suprapersonal nature which is present in every one of us.” ~ Carl Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious 

With this in mind, the First Cause can often be a catalyst that guides you towards a moment of self-realisation. It is the first action of whatever it is your going to create with this energy.

We can, therefore, deduce the number one is associated with new cycles of life; a new idea, a new way of being, a different view of the world etc. 

Without the one, nothing can exist. 

Moreover, thoughts are energy and energy has to be directed somewhere.

Eventually, this energy will manifest as reality; either outwardly as a conscious experience or buried in the unconscious where at some point it will project and try to bring the contents of this energy to the conscious mind. 

The key to understanding the true meaning of numbers is to observe what is happening in your life, and in your head when you see a recurring pattern of the number one.

The Start of a Cycle

Life moves in cycles. Energy also moves in cycles; creation, dissolution, transformation. In religious parlance, we hear the same idea described as “reincarnation”, “resurrection” or “the second coming.”

Creation, death, rebirth. This principle is described by the Law of Thermodynamics and The Triangle of Manifestation

Is the meaning of these symbols starting to become more clear now?

And why do you suppose ancient symbols are still used so widely among key institution of the modern world. Do you not find this curious?

Caduceus Symbol

Back to the meaning of the number one and the beginning of cycles.

Because new cycles are seemingly starting all the time, it is no coincidence that most people see ones a lot. The reason for this is because you are probably not aware a new cycle has started and you’re repeating the same cycle you did last time. 

When you see 11,111 or 1111 etc, it is essentially the same as the single one but on a higher vibration. So don’t believe everything you read in angel numbers. The interpretations are not wrong per se, but the advice can lead you in the wrong direction.

New cycles are signposted to you in various ways. Mostly they are subtle, but if you are consciously aware you will notice them. Occasionally, you will also receive the ‘Great Cause’ as a flash of inspiration that appears in a single moment then fades away. 

How many times have you momentarily felt that you understand everything you need to know about something you have been mulling over, but then instantly forget it?

This is Mercurius (the alchemical Hermes), in his role as the patron of travellers and thieves.

In her talk, On Divinity and Synchronicity, Marie-Louise von Franz illustrates this experience by using the stories of the mathematicians Henri Poincare and Carl Friedrich Gauss. 

In both instances, the two mathematicians reported understanding everything about the problem they were working on. The vision lasted fleetingly in their minds before receding into the recesses of their subconscious. Both men reported it took them several hours for the conscious mind to understand what the unconscious had delivered in a flash.

Discoveries in quantum physics are helping us to understand these phenomena more deeply. 

“Quantum waves exist in all space and time…. Quantum waves are the fundamental building blocks of everyone and everything.” ~ Dr Rulin Xiu, Tao Science: The Science, Wisdom, and Practice of Creation and Grand

These quantum waves are energies and it would appear they have some connection with the consciousness of the planet. We are part of that consciousness says the ancient axiom; We are all connected. 

“While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge.” ~ The Kybalion

The Positive and Negative of the Number One

The one is considered to be pure, positive and strong-willed. It also promises that pursuits will be rewarded. 

However, this is only true if you nurture your idea, develop it, improve it, pursue it and bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.

What’s important to remember is that the right actions need to be taken for pure wisdom to be manifest as perfection. In some ancient systems, the symbolic meaning of the number eight is considered to be the number of perfection – and again is associated with Hermes and wisdom. 

And thus we have another curiosity thrown up by numbers. Why is Hermes associated with the number one, the number four and the number eight?

Number Symbolism

I explain why in full detail in the Numbers Symbolism Course.

Before you can interpret the meaning of numbers correctly, you need to understand that symbols have positive and negative energies, and thus positive and negative correlations.

Your actions dictate the outcome of your reality. Actions are prompted by emotions and emotions are prompted by thoughts. So thoughts and emotions are responsible for how you act. 

The actions you take create your experience of reality.

This why Hermetic mystery schools taught initiates to “Know Thyself.” The same message is carved into the walls of the Temple in Delphi where the famous Greek Oracles resided.  

In all religious and spiritual belief systems around the world, one is connected with the godhead, the essence of “I”. In Hebrew, the one is regarded as hidden intelligence and The Lord Most High. The ancient word for Lord is law – or more precisely the laws of nature. 

The cycle of research leads us back to energy once more.

In his book, “The Power of the Subconscious Mind,” Dr Joseph Murphy explains that it is our subconscious that creates our experiences, therefore, how we think and acts determine what manifests in our lives.

“Provided you are open-minded and receptive, the infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of space. You can receive new thoughts and ideas, bring forth new inventions, make new discoveries, create new works of art. The infinite intelligence in your subconscious can give you access to wonderful new kinds of knowledge.” ~ Dr. Joseph Murphy, The Power of the Subconscious Mind

This is the esoteric meaning of the number one, the deeper meaning.

So yes, the one means new beginnings, but you have to be aware of what that beginning is. It could be related to relationships, career or family. But it could be just as easily be a subtle change in your understanding of something; often yourself.

Pay attention to reoccurring thoughts, new feelings and flashes of inspiration when you see the synchronicity of ones. 

If you want to have power and control over your own destiny, you need to pay attention to what you are thinking. Symbols and numbers serve as a reminder for you to take the right action and can guide your decision making.


Do you want to understand the secret language of numbers? Team up with Master Mind Content for a full, in-depth Number Symbolism Course and learn how numbers can help you make decisions with confidence and improve your quality of life.

It has become a custom in Europe to play pranks on one another on April 1st. We call it April Fools’ Day and are given licence to defy the rules of societal order.

But the true symbolic meaning of April Fools’ is renewal and the birth new beginnings.

The exact origins of April Fools’ Day are unknown, although records indicate the Roman festival of Veneralia shares similarities. The festival was dedicated to Venus.

Apollonius Sophistestes told us the month of April is derived from the Goddess Aphrodite – the Greek counterpart to the Roman Venus. In Rome, the month of April was sacred to Venus.

Veneralia was held on the first day of Venus’ month. People would spend the day playing tricks, doing things the wrong way round and dancing in the streets.

A Festival of Renewal

After the March equinox, it was customary to hold a week-long celebration from the 25th March to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

These types of renewal festivals were held all over the world in ancient times. We still have them, but since the calendar switch in the Middle Ages, the dates for New Year changed.

The origins of New Year beginning on March 25th can be traced back to Babylon and is recorded in Vedic literature. This time of year it was sacred as it marked the hope and optimism of new beginnings.

This idea reflected nature. The planetary cycle during the Spring Equinox marked the birth of new life – trees and flowers regenerate and new seeds are planted in fields ready for the next harvest.

Easter was also the start of the New Year for legal and administrative purposes. In the UK – and I believe in other countries around the world – the tax year still begins in the first week of April.

And of course, Easter is when the traditional Christian story of Jesus is told – a story that is primarily about death and rebirth. The transition of the human spirit into the eternal soul.

Easter also has more connections with sex than it does chocolate eggs and furry bunnies. The purpose of sex is for regeneration – well, sometimes 😉

April Fools’ Day and the Tarot connection

The Fool is the first card in the Tarot deck and represents new beginnings and renewed optimism. This is perhaps why April Fools’ Day is so-called.

Modern tarot decks depict The Fool as a youthful character embarking on a new journey, full of enthusiasm and hope. Despite the fear of stepping out into the unknown, the open-minded young man strides forward with positive purpose.

But there is a dual meaning to The Fool card – just as there are opposing outcomes to new phases of life. The young fool may also be naïve and inexperienced to handle fresh challenges.

Tarot cards show the fool blindly bounding along the verge of a cliff. This reflects his naivety and carelessness. The appearance of the eagle in the tree, on the other hand, symbolises a man with a higher conscious faculty – if he chooses to look.

In early tarot decks, The Fool was personified by a court jester. Jesters were dim-witted and regarded as having a low status in life. They were also used as scapegoats for the King and used symbolically for ritual sacrifice.

Whereas the fool symbolises chaos and the disruption of order, the King represents the highest laws and is an ancient symbol of illumination. This concept also reflects the dual nature of our personalities – higher consciousness and base consciousness.

It is interesting to note then that it is the tradition on April Fools’ Day to play pranks only before 12 noon. For half a day we can be unruly, the other half, order must be restored. This is symbolic of our personalities, the good side and the dark side.

Alchemical symbolism teaches us the need for balance. April Fools’ Day echoes these sentiments. It appears that April Fools’ Day has esoteric meanings that have been passed down from ancient times.

It also seems apparent there is more to this tradition than common people know or understand about our true nature. Meanwhile, the ruling classes that are privy to this knowledge take full advantage to manipulate the lower classes.

In the illusion of world-fiction, every day is Fools’ day.

Do you want to understand the secret language of esoteric symbolism? Team up with Master Mind Content and learn the art of self-development with one of our insightful Symbolism Courses. You will learn what esoteric symbols really mean and how you can use this powerful tool to make decisions with confidence and improve your quality of life.

The esoteric meaning of the 14 relates to, introspection, self-control and independence. But for those that fail, the 14 signals a time of turmoil. 


The 14 has the double power of the divine seven which represents the female principle of the divine mother. In Christianity, the divine female is the Virgin Mary. The 14 is the potential to meet with the “divine son”, the male principle that forms a perfect balance with the female.

In the bible, the divine son is of course represented by Jesus, and the story of the crucifixion significantly feature the number 14. There are “14 Stations of the Cross” which depict the suffering of Jesus and Passover begins on the 14th day of the Nisan.

The 14, therefore, suggests that to find balance, you have to suffer. Oftentimes this simply means giving something up, such as an addiction, rather than experiencing physical or emotional pain. In other words, you need self-control and will power to make a sacrifice. 

In eastern philosophy, the 14 is a karmic number. You reap what you sow. Other analogies in the bible also allude to the same meaning. If the initiate is successful in developing wisdom, they will find harmony, but if they fail, their behaviour will bring chaos.

The principle interpretation of 14 actually comes in the book of Matthew in the New Testament, but the esoteric meaning begins way back in the Old Testament with Abraham.

The Meaning of 14 in the Bible

Matthew 1:1-17 explains the lineage of important Jewish figures in the Bible, all of which are separated by 14 generations. This is not a coincidence. 

There are 14 generations from Abraham to King David, from King David to Josiah and from Josiah to Joseph, husband of Mary, mother of Jesus, a further 14. 

Abraham was the founding father of the people of Israel. He had great faith in God, although in testing times his faith wavered. This is a natural response of any mortal. 

esoteric 14 symbolism

It’s worth pointing out at this point that the ancient world for Lord was law, the natural laws of the Universe. Given that everything is energy, the natural laws govern the control of your own mind. 

And this is what the true meaning of 14 represents. Mind control. Not in a bad way like governments and religions want you to believe the exoteric agenda by using political and media soundbites, but the ability to focus and explore the contents of your unconscious and visualise your future. 

I explain this in more detail in the Number Symbolism Course, but to briefly explain here, the symbolic meaning of the number 14 shares correspondence with the number five – a bridge between the numbers 0-4 and 6-10. We also see a bridge in the family tree of the biblical Abraham. This is not a coincidence!

The significance of the bridge is the link between man and “God”; the Atman and the Brahman.

King David and the Duality of Man

Everything that exists has an opposite and it is common for our lives to have ups and downs. When we consider that everything that manifests in our lives is a karmic effect of our thoughts, emotions and actions, you should realise that you are in control of what happens in your life. 

Like everybody, King David was a man of contrasts who single-mindedly trusted himself, but was unable to control his desires. Subsequently, he sleeps with the wife of a soldier, and when he fails to cover up his deceit, he kills the soldier. The imbalance of vice and virtues brings him both grief and joy throughout his life. 

Even David’s two sons reflect this polarity of human consciousness. Solomon is considered one of Israel’s greatest King’s whilst his brother Absalom was rebellious and created havoc. 

King Josiah and the Restoration of Self-Control

Fourteen generations down the line, Josiah came to the throne, a King considered second only to David. He is regarded by historians as an excellent King, but by the time he came to power, the Assyrian Empire was already in decline. 

The decadence had begun two generations earlier under the reign of the evil King Manasseh which Chronicles describes as a time of idolatry and corruption. His son, Amon was equally hedonistic and is alleged to have conducted wicked practices such as child sacrifice.

But Josiah, King of Judah, was dedicated to Jehovah and sought to purge the land of decadence. He initiated spiritual and political reformation, but although his intentions were noble, they were seen as superficial and created a false sense of security.

If we relate this idea back to the human mind, a lack of self-control develops a lack of trust in yourself, and the negative thoughts, emotions and actions manifest things you would rather do without. The mental capacity to engage in self-introspection, on the other hand, enables you to visualise the future you want to create.

Do you want to understand the secret language of numbers? Team up with Master Mind Content for a full, in-depth Number Symbolism Course and learn how numbers can help you make decisions with confidence and improve your quality of life.

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